By far my favouritest hair picture I have found on the internet so far. I will never stop searching though…. for now, ENJOY!!!
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘hair styles’
09JanCatch the Wave
23OctTechnical Difficulties!!

On so many fronts! First, we got our new website, and we LOVES it yay!!!!!
Somehow, we lost a page of blog in the shuffle, so Deanna’s and my hair growing challenge is no longer documented. Although the other technical difficulty this month has bee having gross ass hair on our heads, so we broke down, 6 months in, and we trimmed We are still growing though… for now….
Here are a couple pictures I was able to find of our progress thus far:

Month three

Month four
21FebIt’s Just That Simple, See!
I stole this from one of my favourite blogs, check out Vintage Sonia on tumblr!!
14JanRemember, We Can Only Do So Much
And the rest is just genetics, sorry bro.
Thank you
25OctStill Our Favourite
So instead of sending you all on a youtube hunt when you leave the salon, we decided to post our favourite online how to video right here…. duh! Only took about a year to figure that out. This is for heat free dolly curls in under 5 minutes using just three socks! WHAT!? It comes from YaYaLifestyle the girl is a damn genius.
23OctLook who’s done gone and learned something
This past August, Sandra went galavanting off to New York and spent 2 days in a colour course at Bumble and Bumble. Here she demonstrates the natural ombre technique she learned there, because not everyone wants the gutter skank Barrymore version. I know! Apparently some people are “subtle” or “not trashy”! Huh.

The lovely Nicole before....

The uber-babealicoius after shot!
28MayClickClick FlashFlash!
Look at what Andie and Sandra done did. Actually you will have to read about it. And they don’t really talk about the hair that we did but we did work on a successful fashion show and people who write stuff noticed.
26MayAnthology Fashion Show
We were lucky enough to be involved in a pretty rad fashion show this past weekend. Christine Dale and Monica Berg put on the fabulous “Anthology” at Guilt and Co. on Sunday and lucky Bangs got to do the hair. Damn, I love it when I get to bust out the braids!
28AprI Like This Here Fella
I like the cut of his jib, I like the cut of his hair more. Say, if anyone comes in and asks me (Andie) for this haircut in the month of May, I will give you 30% off. Dare you!?