By far my favouritest hair picture I have found on the internet so far. I will never stop searching though…. for now, ENJOY!!!
ArchivesPosts Tagged ‘awesomeness’
09JanCatch the Wave
Thank you
28MayClickClick FlashFlash!
Look at what Andie and Sandra done did. Actually you will have to read about it. And they don’t really talk about the hair that we did but we did work on a successful fashion show and people who write stuff noticed.
28AprI Like This Here Fella
I like the cut of his jib, I like the cut of his hair more. Say, if anyone comes in and asks me (Andie) for this haircut in the month of May, I will give you 30% off. Dare you!?
21NovRad Style Memories
Thank heavens I grew up in the days when rad looking chicks like this sang the pop songs. Jane Child, you are my rad style memory du jour, merci! And for those of you who would like a little trip down memory lane, CLICK IT!!