

Just look at it.

Just take in the magic already!!!!





It’s like that time I learned there was no Santa.




Trying to book with Preston and can’t?

Well, here’s the deal:

Preston will back working with the crew from Mine Salon, now called Union Salon. He will be starting on February 19th and any appointments booked past that date will be transferred there. Please call Union Salon, located at 3149 Granville st, at 604-732-8282 with any questions!



You want braided hair dos like all those other kids?

Go to this link


By far my favouritest hair picture I have found on the internet so far. I will never stop searching though…. for now, ENJOY!!!
Catch the Wave



Ooops, better to tell y’all late than never.  We closed yesterday and will reopen on December 31st, in case any of you need to get your party hair on.  Or else it will be business as usual starting up  on January 2nd.  Actually i will probably be much better than usual, we’ll all be well rested, and maybe even pleasant!  Try and stop by before that wears off!!


On so many fronts! First, we got our new website, and we LOVES it yay!!!!!
Somehow, we lost a page of blog in the shuffle, so Deanna’s and my hair growing challenge is no longer documented. Although the other technical difficulty this month has bee having gross ass hair on our heads, so we broke down, 6 months in, and we trimmed :( We are still growing though… for now….
Here are a couple pictures I was able to find of our progress thus far:

Month three

Month four



Here’s the challenge, Deanna and I (Andie) will not be cutting our hair for two years. Shit is gonna get ugly. Shit is gonna get weird. Here we are at the end of month one, also at the end of a good old 9 hour workday, greasy, gnarly and grisly at only one month in. If you don’t think we are going to make it, come by the shop and put a fiver on it!! If the date you pick is closest to us breaking down, you get half the money in the pool, we will donate the other half to a charity. IF we make it the whole time, screw you guys, we are keeping your money!